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Katedra Inżynierii Materiałów i Procesów Budowlanych

12+ artykułów z wskaźnikiem IF opublikowanych w 2021r.

Data: 03.01.2022

Wpis może zawierać nieaktualne dane.

W ostatnich 6 miesiącach ukazało się 12 publikacji Katedry w czasopismach z Impact Factorem (IF):

  • Kłosowski, G., Hoła, A., Rymarczyk, T., Skowron, Ł., Wołowiec, T., & Kowalski, M. (2021). The Concept of Using LSTM to Detect Moisture in Brick Walls by Means of Electrical Impedance Tomography. Energies, 14(22), 7617. DOI Impact Factor: 03.004

  • Niewiadomski, P., Karolak, A., Stefaniuk, D., Królicka, A., Szymanowski, J., & Sadowski, Ł. (2021). Cement Paste Mixture Proportioning with Particle Packing Theory: An Ambiguous Effect of Microsilica. Materials, 14(22), 6970. DOI Impact Factor: 03.623

  • Chajec, A., Chowaniec, A., Królicka, A., Sadowski, Ł., Żak, A., Piechowka-Mielnik, M., & Šavija, B. (2021). Engineering of green cementitious composites modified with siliceous fly ash: Understanding the importance of curing conditions. Construction and Building Materials, 313, 125209. DOI Impact Factor: 06.141

  • Tosee, S. V. R., Faridmehr, I., Bedon, C., Sadowski, Ł., Aalimahmoody, N., Nikoo, M., & Nowobilski, T. (2021). Metaheuristic Prediction of the Compressive Strength of Environmentally Friendly Concrete Modified with Eggshell Powder Using the Hybrid ANN-SFL Optimization Algorithm. Materials, 14(20), 6172DOI Impact Factor: 03.623

  • Abdolpour, H., Niewiadomski, P., & Sadowski, Ł. (2021). Recycling of steel fibres and spent equilibrium catalyst in ultra-high performance concrete: Literature review, research gaps, and future development. Construction and Building Materials, 309, 125147. DOI Impact Factor: 06.141

  • Czarnecki, S., Sadowski, Ł., & Hoła, J. (2021). Evaluation of interlayer bonding in layered composites based on non-destructive measurements and machine learning: Comparative analysis of selected learning algorithms. Automation in Construction, 132, 103977. DOI Impact Factor: 07.700

  • Song, H., Ahmad, A., Farooq, F., Ostrowski, K. A., Maślak, M., Czarnecki, S., & Aslam, F. (2021). Predicting the compressive strength of concrete with fly ash admixture using machine learning algorithms. Construction and Building Materials, 308, 125021. DOI Impact Factor: 06.141

  • Białko, M., & Hoła, B. (2021). Identification of Methods of Reducing Construction Waste in Construction Enterprises Based on Surveys. Sustainability, 13(17), 9888. DOI Impact Factor: 03.251

  • Farooq, F., Czarnecki, S., Niewiadomski, P., Aslam, F., Alabduljabbar, H., Ostrowski, K. A., Śliwa-Wieczorek, K., Nowobilski, T., & Malazdrewicz S. (2021). A comparative study for the prediction of the compressive strength of self-compacting concrete modified with fly ash. Materials, 14(17), 4934. DOI Impact Factor: 03.623

  • Nowobilski, T. (2021). Calculation of the Population of Construction Scaffoldings Using Neural Networks. Applied Sciences, 11(17), 8211. DOI Impact Factor: 02.679

  • Nieświec, M., & Sadowski, Ł. (2021). The Assessment of Strength of Cementitious Materials Impregnated Using Hydrophobic Agents Based on Near-Surface Hardness Measurements. Materials, 14(16), 4583. DOI Impact Factor: 03.623

  • Chowaniec, A. (2021). Using Waste Limestone Powder as Filler in a Toxic Epoxy Resin Coating and Its Influence on Adhesive Properties. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 88, 1063-1068. DOI Impact Factor: 00.681

Ponadto, kolejne 4 artykuły zostały przyjęte do druku i ukazały się (na razie) w formie elektronicznej:

  • Krzywiński, K., Sadowski, Ł., Stefaniuk, D., Obrosov, A., & Weiß, S. (2021). Engineering and manufacturing technology of green epoxy resin coatings modified with recycled fine aggregates. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 1-19.DOI Impact Factor: 05.671

  • Chowaniec, A., Czarnecki, S., & Sadowski, Ł. (2021). The effect of the amount and particle size of the waste quartz powder on the adhesive properties of epoxy resin coatings. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 103009. DOI Impact Factor: 03.189

  • Kampa, Ł., Sadowski, Ł., & Królicka, A. (2021). The use of synthetic and natural fibers in epoxy coatings: A comparative mechanical and economic analysis. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 103017. DOI Impact Factor: 03.189

  • Chajec, A., Sadowski, Ł., & Moj, M. (2021). The adhesive and functional properties of cementitious overlays modified with granite powder. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 103008. DOI Impact Factor: 03.189

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