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Katedra Inżynierii Materiałów i Procesów Budowlanych


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Tytuł projektu: Wieloskalowa ocena wpływu szoku termicznego na właściwości przyjaznych dla środowiska kompozytów polimerowo-cementowych modyfikowanych recyklingowym kruszywem drobnym (POWER)


Czas trwania: 2020-2024

Kierownik projektu: dr hab. inż. Łukasz Sadowski, prof. uczelni

Wykonawca projektu: mgr inż. Kamil Krzywiński

Kwota dofinansowania: 525 425 PLN

Instytucja finansująca: Narodowe Centrum Nauki

Nr grantu: 2019/35/O/ST8/01546


L.p. Artykuły opublikowane w ramach grantu
1. Krzywiński, K., Sadowski, Ł., & Piechówka-Mielnik, M. (2021). Engineering of composite materials made of epoxy resins modified with recycled fine aggregate. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 28(1), 276-284.
2. Krzywiński, K., Sadowski, Ł., Stefaniuk, D., Obrosov, A., & Weiß, S. (2022). Engineering and manufacturing technology of green epoxy resin coatings modified with recycled fine aggregates. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 1-19.
3. Sadowski Ł., Czarnecki S., Krzywiński K., Moj M., Chowaniec A., Żak A. (2022). Dry spinning wear of cementitious materials: A novel testing method and mechanism. Measurement, 196.
4. Krzywiński, K., Sadowski, Ł., Fedoruk, K., & Sieradzki, A. (2022). Fundamental understanding of the thermal properties of amorphous epoxy resin coatings filled with quartz-feldspar powder sourced from quarry waste. Applied Surface Science, 156133.
L.p. Referaty naukowe wygłoszone przez doktoranta Kamila Krzywińskiego w ramach grantu
1. 2nd International Conference on Theoretical, Analytical and Computational Methods for Composite Materials and Composite Structures, 5-7.03.2021 Porto, Portugalia, The durability of polymer- cementitious floor composite made of epoxy resin modified with recycled fine aggregate and concrete substrate.
2. 4th International Conference on Composite Structures, 14-18.06.2021, Porto, Portugalia, The thermal and mechanical analysis of polymer-cementitious floor composite made of epoxy resin and concrete substrate.
3. 6th International Conference on Structural Adhesive Bonding, 8-9.07.2021, Porto, Portugalia, Thermal properties of epoxy resin coatings modified with recycled fine aggregates.
4. 7th World Tribology Congress, WTC 2022, Lyon, France 10-15 July, 2021, The effect of thermal shock on wear resistance of floor composite made of epoxy resin with fine aggregate and concrete substrate. 
5. 25th International Conference on Composite Structures, Poto, Portugal, 19-22 July 2022, Microstructure of epoxy resin composite modified with recycled fine aggregate.

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