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Prof. Dr. Sc. (Econ.) Vsevolod Nikolaiev, konsultacje, budynek C-7, p. 714. |
Vsevolod Nikolaiev is actually working as a visiting professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science Technology, Poland.
In 1975 he was graduated from Faculty of Economics of Lviv State University on the specialisation "Economic cybernetics". In 1982 he finished the postgraduate course on the Department of Organization and Economics of Construction in Kyiv Civil Engineering Institute and got a degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD). In 1985 he got Certificate of Docent. In 1991 he entered doctoral in Central Scientific and Research Institute of Construction Economics and Management (Moscow) and in 1992 got a degree of Doctor of Science in Economics. In 2014 he got in Ukraine Certificate of Professor of Management Department.
Over his continuous academic activity V. Nikolaiev published about 200 articles, monographs, textbooks and other issues. Under his supervision 12 PhD students and one doctoral defended their thesis. Many years he participated in Specialized Academic Councils awarding scientific degrees in different Universities. Nowadays, he is the Member of Academy of Construction of Ukraine, European and Asian Real Estate Societies, Chairman of the Board of Digital Construction Association.
At the beginning of his activity, V. Nikolaiev was concentrated on the intersection of cybernetics and construction engineering. His book “Computing in engineering of technology and organization of construction” (1984) serves as the textbook throughout the Ukraine. And his PhD thesis was one of the first in construction logistics which used optimization models for large regional construction and transportation organizations. Starting from “Perestroyka” period, V. Nikolaiev payed more attention to construction management in transition economy. He established close international relations and participated in different research project teams. Thus, cooperation with National School of Roads and Bridges (Paris) resulted in monograph “Les grands groupes de la сonstruction: de nouveaux acteurs urbains”. He was also engaged to several other World Bank’s projects. His monographs were published also within the country. Thus, “Introduction to the market economy of construction” (1991) formed the general theoretical basis of life cycle costing and new market relations on micro-, meso- and macrolevel of the sector. The book was reissued in Moscow (1994), Erevan (1997) and Kyiv (2012).
Certain period V. Nikolaiev combined academic activity with business administration. Consulting companies founded by his participation tried to act according to the international standards using methodological innovations. In 1996 he got a business position of vice-president for investments in leading national joint-stock company “Ukrainian Financial Group”. In 2000 he organized a multi-profile consulting corporation “United Consultants”. His practical interests began to be reoriented on investments and financing of construction. Several monographs were issued in co-authorship: “Problems of investment attraction rating (regional aspect)”; “Tax income analysis: problems of methodology”; “Forecasting of tax income in transition economy: problems of methodology and organization”; “Funding of regional development: strategies and methods”. His textbook “Financial management of projects and programs” (2010, 2019) formed a basis for new discipline and master program.Last decade of his activity was connected with public governance of construction and municipal economy. He took positions of Councilor to Minister of Regional Development and Construction, Minister of Economy, Minister of Communities and Territories Development, combining public functions with research and teaching in Scientific Research Economic Institute, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, National University of State Tax Service, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.
The results of his multidiscipline studies were reflected in several books: “Management of public real estate” (2017), “Management of real estate: business processes and methods” (2018) and “Building information modeling in management of life cycle cost of objects” (2018). On this basis, his new course of lectures on real estate management was introduced in several higher educational institutions in Ukraine and abroad.
On international level, in 2016 he conducted lessons in Summer School in Politechnika Bari (Italy). In 2019-2022 his course of 6 ECTS was approved by University La Coruna (Spain) for international Summer school. Collective monograph “Technical and economic aspects of real estate properties” (2019) and several articles were issued and indexed abroad: “Building information modeling for housing renovation - example for Ukraine”; “Institutional models of welfare states and its housing policy”; “Intensification of investments in renovation of residential real estate in the context of the sustainable development goals”; “Different management functions in housing operation practice. Ukrainian case study”.
In 2019-2022 he took part in series of important conferences of European, Asian and American Real Estate Societies presenting papers concerning Ukrainian situation in housing sector, especially as to poor condition of housing stock, uncertain property relations in apartment buildings, need of their renovation, trends of management digitalization.
Working in Poland, he is interested in further improvement of life-cycle cost management in construction and real estate sphere according to international standards. In current situation his plans are connected with assistance in efficient housing renovation in Ukraine.