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Department of Materials Engineering and Construction Processes

Adrian Chajec


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Adrian Chajec, PhD Eng, office hours for students, building C-7, room 716.
Web pages:

Doctoral dissertation:
Impact of the simultaneous addition of granite powder waste and siliceous fly ash on the selected properties of cementitious composites

Supervisor: DSc, PhD, Eng. Łukasz Sadowski, profesor uczelni
Auxiliary supervisor: PhD, Eng Magdalena Piechówka-Mielnik

Scientific interests:
cementitious composites, mineral additives, cement chemistry, concrete.


  1. Aplication for patent: Adrian Chajec, Łukasz Sadowski, Mateusz Moj, Mieszanina cementowa w postaci zaprawy cementowej do otrzymywania posadzek, No of aplication: P.438146 date: 14.06.2021r.,
  2. Aplication for patent: Adrian Chajec, Łukasz Sadowski, Sposób redukowania ilości cementu w mieszaninach cementowych oraz mieszanina cementowa realizowana według tego sposobu. No of aplication: P 433120 date: 02.03.2020r.,
  3. Award of a chairman of Master Technical (NOT) in XIII Edition of International INTARG Online International Invention and Innovation Fair, Category: Invention, patent application award: Sposób redukowania ilości cementu w mieszaninach cementowych oraz mieszanina cementowa realizowana według tego sposobu, Adrian Chajec, Łukasz Sadowski 16.06.2020r.,
  4. Gold medal at the 13th Edition of the International Trade Fair for Inventions and Innovations INTARG Online, Category: Invention, award for a patent application: Sposób redukowania ilości cementu w mieszaninach cementowych oraz mieszanina cementowa realizowana według tego sposobu, Adrian Chajec, Łukasz Sadowski, 16.06.2020r.,
  5. Gold medal in the international competition for innovation and inventions PRIX Eiffel in France, award for patent application: Mieszanina cementowa w postaci zaprawy cementowej do otrzymywania posadzek, Adrian Chajec, Łukasz Sadowski oraz Mateusz Mój 08.09.2021r.,
  6. Diploma of the Minister of Education and Science for high-ranking awards at the International Invention Fair in 2020. – June 2021r.,
  7. He has a certificate confirming the skills of PRINCE2 Foundation project management,
  8. Member of the Axelos association which brings together people with the PRINCE2 Foundation project management certificate,
  9. Member of the RILEM association, member of the PFC technical committee: PFC: Performance requirements and testing of fresh printable cement-based materials,
  10. He graduated postgraduate studies in Project Management at the University of Economics in Wrocław,
  11. Possesses building qualifications to design and manage construction works in the construction and building specialty without restrictions,
  12. Obtained a scholarship of an increased amount of the Dean of the Doctoral School of the Wrocław University of Technology for outstanding scientific achievements for the academic year 2022/2023,
  13. Obtained a scholarship from the own fund of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology for outstanding scientific achievements for the academic year 2020/2021.

Scientific projects:

Title: The use of granite powder waste for the production of selected construction products (WOW)
Grant No. 0130/L-11/2019, Lider XI, The National Centre for Research and Development (Poland)
Position: research asistant, project manager: Ph.D. Łukasz Sadowski
Duration: 2021-2024, grant value: 1 497 287,50 PLN ~ 326 000 EUR
- info PWr

Impotrant publications:

Politechnika Wrocławska © 2025