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Department of Materials Engineering and Construction Processes

Marlena Moj


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Marlena Moj, Eng.

marlena.rudner@gmail.combuilding C-7, room 715

Web pages:




Research fields:

Use of waste materials, cement composites, non-destructive methods


Title: Experimental evaluation of properties of epoxy composites modified with coarse aggregate from retrofitting of pre-war residential buildings (CARMEL
No. 2021/43/D/ST8/02031, SONATA 17, National Science Center
Function: grantee, Project manager: Ph.D. Sławomir Czarnecki
Duration: 2022-2025

Dotychczasowe osiągnięcia: 

  1. Aplication for patent: Marlena Rudner, Łukasz Sadowski, Adrian Chajec, Zaprawa tynkarska. No of aplication: P.439595 date: 22.11.2021
  2. Rector's award for scientific achievements, 22.06.2023
  3. Best in the Polytechnica Nova competition, in the didactics category, with the Let's GO project
  4. NOT award for the project "The use of waste mineral powders in the production of selected construction products"
  5. Scholarship of the Minister of Education and Science for students 2022/2023
  6. Function of the organizational coordinator of the NEWWAY Scientific Circle of Engineering of Materials and Construction Processes 20.06.2023-22.03.2023
  7. Function of the chairperson of the Scientific Circle of Engineering of Materials and Construction Processes NEWWAY 22.03.2023-present


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