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Department of Materials Engineering and Construction Processes

Agnieszka Chowaniec-Michalak


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Agnieszka Chowaniec-Michalak, MSc Eng, office hours for students,,
building C-7, room 710.
Web pages:

Ph.D. thesis:
Experimental evaluation of the basic properties of epoxy floors modified with selected waste mineral additives

Supervisor: Łukasz Sadowski, Ph.D.
Co-supervisor: Sławomir Czarnecki, Ph.D.

Research fields:
industrial floors, epoxy resin coatings, non-destructive methods, adhesion.


Title: Experimental evaluation of the properties of epoxy resin coatings modified with waste mineral powders (ANSWER)
Grant No. 020/37/N/ST8/03601, Preludium 19, National Science Centre (Poland)
Position: project manager, scientific supervisor: Łukasz Sadowski, DSc PhD MSc Eng
Duration: 2021-2024, grant value: 200 882 PLN ~ 44 250 EUR - 
info PWr 

Title: The use of granite powder waste for the production of selected construction products (WOW)
Grant No. 0130/L-11/2019, Lider XI, The National Centre for Research and Development (Poland)
Position: assistant, project manager: Łukasz Sadowski, DSc PhD MSc Eng
Duration: 2021-2024, grant value: 1 497 287,50 PLN ~ 326 000 EUR 
- info PWr

Title: Evaluation of the interlayer bond of variably thick concrete layers based on nondestructive tests using artificial intelligence
Grant No. 2014/15/D/ST8/00550, Sonata 8, National Science Centre (Poland)
Position: assistant, project manager: Łukasz Sadowski, DSc PhD MSc Eng
Duration: 08-12.2017

Selected achievements:

  1. Patent: Łukasz Sadowski, Agnieszka Chowaniec, Patent. Poland, no 237204. Środek do wykonywania powłok na bazie żywicy epoksydowej oraz jego zastosowanie. No of aplication: 425183 date: 11.04.2018. published: 22.03.2021.
  2. Aplication for patent: Agnieszka Chowaniec, Łukasz Sadowski, Sławomir Czarnecki. Niskotoksyczna kompozycja na bazie żywicy epoksydowej o wysokiej przyczepności do podłoża do wykonywania powłok ochronnych oraz sposób otrzymywania powłok ochronnych z wykorzystaniem kompozycji. No of aplication: P 437755 date: 30.04.2021.
  3. Platinum medal in the International Inventions Competition "PRIX EIFFEL" 2021 for the invention "Epoxy-granite composite and its application", Lyon, France, 09.2021.
  4. The title of "Master of Innovation" during the Innovation Week IWA 2021, Morocco, 09.2021.
  5. "Trophy & Excellence Diploma for Innovation" for the Wrocław University of Science and Technology for the invention: "Low-toxic epoxy resin-based composition with high adhesion to the substrate for protective coatings and the method of obtaining protective coatings using the composition", Bucharest, Romania, 05.2021.
  6. Golden metal at the 14th International Invention and Innovation Show INTARG 2021, for the invention: "Low-toxic epoxy resin-based composition with high adhesion to the substrate for protective coatings and the method of obtaining protective coatings using the composition", 06.2021, Katowice, Poland.
  7. Bronze metal at the 11th IInternational Invention and Innovation Show INTARG 2018, for the invention: „Środek do wykonywania powłok na bazie żywicy epoksydowej oraz jego zastosowanie”, 06.2018, Katowice, Poland.

Selected articles:

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